Singing hymns at your wedding is a traditional part of a Church / Religious Wedding Service and although a church wedding ceremony itself is fairly short there is quite a lot of talking with bible readings, prayers, the, all important, exchange of vows. Therefore, hymns can be a great way to lighten the service, get your guests standing up and feeling part of the ceremony. It's also a great way you can help personalize your wedding service.
There are usually two or three hymns sung during a church wedding ceremony but you can choose to sing more. I know I did at my wedding. But you do need to consider how long you want the service to be as the seats can sometimes be very hard!
The first hymn usually comes at the beginning after the welcome; the second is sung during or after the signing of the register and the last hymn usually comes just before the final blessing at the end of the ceremony.
I would always suggest that you pick well-known hymns. as there is nothing worse than your guests fumbling through a song they don't know.
You might also consider asking the resident choir (if there is one) or a local choir to come along and sing. This will also take the pressure off your guests and may help everyone to relax. Please remember there may be an additional charge for this.
Can We Sing Hymns at Our Civil Service?
I'm often asked this question and the answer is quite simply No. A civil ceremony must be "secular in nature" and free of any religious connotations, including music, readings and your vows. This means that if your ceremony at a registry office or licensed venue that isn't a church, you won't be allowed hymns. Please also remember that wonderful tunes like Ave Maria or Zadok the Priest also have religious origins so will probably not be allowed even if they are played instrumentally.
The registrar has the authority to reject any of your musical choices so I would always suggest you run all your musical / song choices past them first to avoid any complications during the ceremony itself.
Some well known & Loved Hymns
All Creatures of our God & King
All Things Bright & Beautiful
Amazing Grace
And Can It Be (Amazing Love)
Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord
Be Thou My Vision
Bind Us Together
Dear Lord & Father of Mankind
Fill Your Hearts With Joy & Gladness
Give Me Joy In My Heart
Give Me Oil In My Lamp
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer (Bread O heaven)
Hail Redeemer, King Divine
Here I Am To Workshop (Light Of The World)
Here is Love, Vast As The Ocean
How Deep The Father's Love For Us
How Great Thou Art
I Vow to They My Country
In Christ Alone
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Lord of All Hopefulness
Lord of The Dance
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Morning Has Broken
One More Step Along The World I Go
Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Tell Out My Soul
The King of Love My Shepherd
To God Be Thy Glory
Please do check with your local clergy that the music you have chosen is suitable and they are happy with the choices you have made.